Each year, students are expected to research saints in preperation for their for Confirmation. Students should refelct on a saint that they connect with. This could be due to their interests, their own name, when they were born etc. The below handout will help in this reflection process. This essay is due by March 31st.
Click here to read an article that will help you in this process.
Click here for to fill out the Saint essay form.
Students in First Year Confirmation are expected to complete 10 hours of community service by March 31st. Due to Covid-19 students are asked to complete these hours at home, for other family members or neighbors is a safe way. If students complete hours at home, hours should be for extra efforts separate from regular expectations of chores, helping siblings, etc. Examples would be extra yard work or cleaning, raking leaves, or shoveling snow for a neighbor.
All Service hours completed and reported-click here for fillable form